PRODID:-//HSEClick - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN
X-WR-CALDESC:Events for HSEClick
SUMMARY:Efficient Scheduled Waste Management Solutions: Reducing Costs with Waste Cards and Spillage Control | 4 CPD | 9 & 10 April 2025\, (Remote Online Training)
DESCRIPTION:About The Event.\nWaste Card (Seventh Schedule) must be created and passed to Waste Contractor (Transporter) during the consignment. It is readily available if there is any spillage happens during the transport of waste from Waste Generator premises to the Waste Collector (Prescribe premises). Waste Card is used by rescue personnel such as BOMBA officers for spill containment and rescue operation. It is a non-compliance If Waste Generator fails to pass a Waste Card to Waste Contractor. Alternative\, it is also violation if Waste Contractor does not carry a Waste Card during the transportation of waste. The above is violation of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation 2005\, Sub Regulation 13. \nLack of knowledge and experience in writing a Waste Card is a common problem among the Competent Person for Scheduled Waste Management (CePSWaM). Most of the time\, CePSWaM has copied or adopted entire information of raw material from Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and form a Waste Card. This has posed as problem as raw material properties and characteristics are not necessarily similar with the Scheduled Waste properties and characteristics. These differences have become more obvious when there are 2 (two) or more raw material combined and formed the scheduled wastes. \n The course covers the overview of scheduled waste management. It also covers the understanding of scheduled waste\, waste characteristics\, waste containers and waste non-compliances. Detailed study on Scheduled Waste symbols and labels will be carried out as well as comparison with the Global Harmonized System (GHS) symbols. Efforts are being placed on study of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Chemical Safety Data Sheet (CSDS). Trainees will also be trained on how to adopt the waste properties and characteristics from Wast Characteristics Report and SDS and eventually learn to write a Waste Card. Eventually\, root causes of spillage and control is studied. \nIn conclusion\, the participants will start by understanding the difference between Scheduled Waste symbols and labels as compared to Raw material symbols – Global Harmonized System (GHS) symbols and MSDS labels. Discussion on how information from MSDS can be adopted to form a Waste Card. Eventually\, participants will have a chance to practice on writing of a Waste Card. The course will guide the Competent Person in Scheduled Waste Management (CePSWaM) in writing a proper Waste Card readily to be passed to Waste Contractor during the consignment\, as compliance to Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulation 2005. \nLEARNING OUTCOMES\nAt the end of the program\, participants will be able to: \n\nComprehend the scheduled waste management operation and strategies and scheduled waste characteristics\, cradle-to-cradle concept\, non-compliances as well as containers.\nComprehend the scheduled waste symbols and labels and raw material symbols and labels (GHS). Comparison and understand on the differences between these two types of symbols and labels and their application areas.\nComprehend the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)\nGuide and hands-on writing of a Waste Card (7th Schedule)\n\nDownload Physical Event Brochure \nDownload Virtual Event Brochure \nCheck out our ongoing promotion today! \nView MySheqa upcoming event for this year! \nRelated Link : EiMAS CPD Hours Training\, DOSH CEP Training\, CepSWAM\, CePIETSO (BP)\, CePIETSO (PCP) CepPBFO\, CePSO\, CePPOME\, CePSTPO
CATEGORIES:Virtual Event
ORGANIZER;CN="My Sheqa Group Sdn Bhd"
SUMMARY:Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems (OSHMS) | 10 & 11 April 2025 | MU Hotel\, Ipoh
DESCRIPTION:About Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems (OSHMS)\nOccupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) are foundational frameworks that help organizations safeguard the safety\, health\, and well-being of their workforce. In today’s dynamic work environments\, effective OSH management is not only a regulatory requirement but also a key contributor to organizational productivity\, employee morale\, and long-term sustainability. This OSHMS Training is crafted to provide participants with a deep understanding of the principles\, standards\, and best practices that underpin successful OSH management systems. \nThe training covers the essential elements of OSHMS\, emphasizing policy development\, risk assessment\, emergency preparedness\, and continuous improvement. Throughout the course\, participants will explore the requirements of widely recognized OSH standards\, learning how to align organizational practices with these standards for enhanced safety outcomes. Additionally\, the course highlights practical applications of OSHMS tailored to Micro\, Small\, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)\, enabling smaller organizations to implement sustainable safety and health practices effectively. \nThrough a blend of theoretical insights and practical exercises\, this training aims to equip participants with the skills to design\, implement\, and continuously improve OSHMS within their organizations. By the end of the course\, attendees will be prepared to manage workplace risks proactively\, foster a culture of safety\, and ensure compliance with national and international OSH standards. This training is a valuable opportunity for participants to elevate their knowledge\, enhance their safety management capabilities\, and contribute to safer\, healthier work environments. \nTraining Learning Outcomes \nAt the end of this 2-days program\, participants will be able to: \n\nUnderstand and Explain OSHMS Principles\nDevelop Essential OSH Documentation\nImplement and Manage OSHMS Processes\nPlan and Monitor OSH Activities\nFoster a Safety Culture in the Workplace\n\nDOWNLOAD BROCHURE \nView our upcoming event \nCheck out MySheqa ongoing promotion today! \n