BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//HSEClick - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:HSEClick X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for HSEClick REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Asia/Kuala_Lumpur BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0800 TZOFFSETTO:+0800 TZNAME:+08 DTSTART:20250101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250414T083000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250416T173000 DTSTAMP:20250329T203402 CREATED:20250102T030627Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250102T040613Z SUMMARY:OSH Coordinator | 14\, 15 & 16 April 2025 | De Palma Hotel\, Shah Alam DESCRIPTION:Introduction to OSH Coordinator (OSH-C) Training\nToday\, there are over one million SMEs employing seven million workers in Malaysia\, making it increasingly difficult for the authorities to monitor the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) requirements for each premises to ensure the safety and health at the workplace. \nPerhaps in correlation\, the number of fatality cases from SMEs due to occupational accidents are also rising. \nDue to this\, Department of Occupational Safety and Health\, Ministry of Human Resource has taken the initiative to bring into existence the OSH-C\, a representative safety practitioner to self-regulate the safety and health provision of their premises. \nIn addition\, the “OSH Coordinator” role is included into the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 in Section 29A\, gazetted earlier this year requiring all employers that has “5 or more employees” to appoint an OSH-C. \nAbout OSH Coordinator (OSH-C) Training\nThis 3-day OSH-C Training Program is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive knowledge on occupational safety and health and how to adopt OSH practices at the workplace on a daily basis. \nUpon the completion of this course\, the participants will be certified as a “Trained Persons” that will be able to coordinate safety and health in preventing occupational accidents and diseases. \nOSH Coordinator (OSH-C) Training Learning Outcomes \nAt the end of this 3-day program\, participants will be able to; \n\nExplain the purpose\, objective and importance of OSH-C in an organization.\nPerform the role and duties of an OSH-C in an organization.\nDemonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.\nFollow guidelines to manage and maintain the Occupational Safety and Health Documents.\nNurture a healthy safety culture at the workplace.\n\nDOWNLOAD BROCHURE \nView our upcoming event \nCheck out MySheqa ongoing promotion today! \nRelated Link : EiMAS CPD Hours Training\, DOSH CEP Training\, EiMAS CPD Training 2022\, CepSWAM\, CePIETSO (BP)\, CePIETSO (PCP) CepPBFO\, CePSO\, CePPOME\, CePSTPO URL: LOCATION:De Palma Hotel\, Shah Alam CATEGORIES:Physical Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: ORGANIZER;CN="My Sheqa Group Sdn Bhd" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250416T083000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250417T173000 DTSTAMP:20250329T203402 CREATED:20250304T162239Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250304T162239Z SUMMARY:Cost Effective Wastewater Solutions: Enhancing Sustainability Through Efficiency and Resource Reuse | 4 CPD | 16 & 17 April 2025\, (Remote Online Training) DESCRIPTION:About The Event.\nIn today’s world\, the treatment of wastewater is not just a necessity but also an opportunity to create sustainable solutions that benefit both the environment and society. With increasing urbanization\, industrialization\, and population growth\, the need for effective wastewater management has become more pressing than ever before. \nThis two-day course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of sustainable wastewater treatment practices\, focusing on strategies to enhance efficiency and promote resource reuse. Throughout the program\, we will explore various treatment technologies\, innovative approaches\, and best practices aimed at minimizing environmental impact while maximizing the recovery of valuable resources from wastewater streams. \nLEARNING OUTCOMES\nAt the end of this 2-day program\, participants will be able to; \n\nUnderstand the Principles of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment\nIdentify Wastewater Treatment Processes and Technologies\nAnalyze Resource Recovery Opportunities\nOptimize Treatment Efficiency and Resource Reuse\n\nDownload Virtual Event Brochure \nCheck out our ongoing promotion today! \nView MySheqa upcoming event for this year! \nRelated Link : EiMAS CPD Hours Training\, DOSH CEP Training\, CepSWAM\, CePIETSO (BP)\, CePIETSO (PCP) CepPBFO\, CePSO\, CePPOME\, CePSTPO URL: CATEGORIES:Virtual Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="My Sheqa Group Sdn Bhd" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250416T083000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250417T173000 DTSTAMP:20250329T203402 CREATED:20250304T162300Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250304T162300Z SUMMARY:Driving Business Profitability with Efficient Scrubber Design and Operation in APCS | 12 CPD | 16 & 17 April 2025\, Bangi Resort Hotel\, Selangor DESCRIPTION:About The Event.\nThis course aims to provide a fundamental knowledge of all aspects of air pollution\, its management and control system operational efficiency for scrubber system. The course describes the causes and the effects/impacts of air pollution\, its management from local to international levels and the engineering controls used to reduce emissions from industry. This course inclusive of simple explanation of basic design for scrubber to enhance understanding for non-engineers. A series of workshop will be organized to discuss the control of air pollution system from the source of production process. \nLEARNING OUTCOMES\nOn completion of this course\, participants should be able to: \n\nExplain the fundamental knowledge of APCS.\nIdentify the effective method for air pollution control system focusing on scrubber equipment operation.\nOutline the basic engineering for scrubber operation.\nPerform cost benefit analysis on the options of scrubber & other APCS.\nDetect incurred cost from improper management of scrubber operation\n\nDownload Physical Event Brochure \nDownload Virtual Event Brochure \nCheck out our ongoing promotion today! \nView MySheqa upcoming event for this year! \nRelated Link : EiMAS CPD Hours Training\, DOSH CEP Training\, CepSWAM\, CePIETSO (BP)\, CePIETSO (PCP) CepPBFO\, CePSO\, CePPOME\, CePSTPO URL: LOCATION:Bangi Resort Hotel\, Selangor\, Bangi Resort Hotel\, Selangor\, Malaysia CATEGORIES:Physical Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ORGANIZER;CN="My Sheqa Group Sdn Bhd" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250417T083000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250417T173000 DTSTAMP:20250329T203402 CREATED:20250103T104516Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250103T104516Z SUMMARY:DOSH CEP Training | Workplace Safety Excellence: Essential OSH Workplace Assessment (OSHWA) | 17th April 2025 | Akademi Profesional Kosas DESCRIPTION:ABOUT THE COURSE \nThis training is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively assess and manage safety and health risks in the workplace. \nOccupational safety and health are critical components of a productive and sustainable work environment. By proactively identifying potential hazards and implementing appropriate control measures\, organizations can protect their employees\, minimize risks\, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. This training will guide you through the key principles and practices of workplace assessments\, equipping you to contribute to a safer and healthier work environment. \nThroughout the day\, we will explore various topics\, including the fundamentals of OSH\, hazard identification\, risk assessment\, and the implementation of control measures. You will also gain hands-on experience through interactive exercises and real-world case studies\, enabling you to apply the concepts learned in practical situations. \nWhether you are a safety officer\, manager\, or any professional responsible for workplace safety\, this training will enhance your ability to recognize and mitigate risks\, thereby fostering a culture of safety within your organization. \nLearning Outcomes\nAt the end of this 2-days program\, participants will be able to: \n\nUnderstand Key OSH Principles\nConduct Workplace Assessments\nAssess and Prioritize Risks\nImplement Effective Control Measures\nPrepare Document and Report Findings\n\nCheck out our ongoing promotion today! Click HERE \nDOWNLOAD BROCHURE URL: LOCATION:Akademi Profesional Kosas\, Seksyen 16 Shah Alam CATEGORIES:Physical Event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: ORGANIZER;CN="My Sheqa Group Sdn Bhd" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250417T083000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250418T173000 DTSTAMP:20250329T203402 CREATED:20250103T075343Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250103T075343Z SUMMARY:Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems (OSHMS) | 17 & 18 April 2025 | De Palma Hotel\, Shah Alam DESCRIPTION:About Fundamentals of Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems (OSHMS)\nOccupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) are foundational frameworks that help organizations safeguard the safety\, health\, and well-being of their workforce. In today’s dynamic work environments\, effective OSH management is not only a regulatory requirement but also a key contributor to organizational productivity\, employee morale\, and long-term sustainability. This OSHMS Training is crafted to provide participants with a deep understanding of the principles\, standards\, and best practices that underpin successful OSH management systems. \nThe training covers the essential elements of OSHMS\, emphasizing policy development\, risk assessment\, emergency preparedness\, and continuous improvement. Throughout the course\, participants will explore the requirements of widely recognized OSH standards\, learning how to align organizational practices with these standards for enhanced safety outcomes. Additionally\, the course highlights practical applications of OSHMS tailored to Micro\, Small\, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)\, enabling smaller organizations to implement sustainable safety and health practices effectively. \nThrough a blend of theoretical insights and practical exercises\, this training aims to equip participants with the skills to design\, implement\, and continuously improve OSHMS within their organizations. By the end of the course\, attendees will be prepared to manage workplace risks proactively\, foster a culture of safety\, and ensure compliance with national and international OSH standards. This training is a valuable opportunity for participants to elevate their knowledge\, enhance their safety management capabilities\, and contribute to safer\, healthier work environments. \nTraining Learning Outcomes \nAt the end of this 2-days program\, participants will be able to: \n\nUnderstand and Explain OSHMS Principles\nDevelop Essential OSH Documentation\nImplement and Manage OSHMS Processes\nPlan and Monitor OSH Activities\nFoster a Safety Culture in the Workplace\n\nDOWNLOAD BROCHURE \nView our upcoming event \nCheck out MySheqa ongoing promotion today! \n