About The Event.
Plenty of Waste Minimization techniques and ideas have been shared and presented in other courses. However, most of these waste reductions are just reactive actions taken to minimization the wastes that been generated. So far, no systematic approach has been attempted to study on how the wastes can be prevented from being generated in the first place. These are unwanted or unwarranted wastes that can and should be avoided at all cost. Waste minimization can also be achieved by adopting the Circular Economy concept. Wastes are being recycled into different modules, parts and recycled material such that the use of raw material from mining is minimised. Also, products and sub-products are being reused, refurbished and recycled, and hence prolong the useful life of a product.
The course allows us to learn various waste minimization techniques and approaches by cutting down the unwarranted wastes or by preventing wastes from being generated. These involve the co-operation among other departments i.e. warehouse, production, process, purchasing, planning and engineering. Top management also needs to actively involve since this is a cross-departments effort. Circular Economy involves even bigger group of people inclusive of raw material, part and product manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, maintenance and servicing companies.
In conclusion, this course will equip the participants with the general practices and techniques in waste minimization through elimination or prevention and Circular Economy and hence achieve the objective of cost reduction in Scheduled Waste Management.
- At the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Comprehend the general concept of Scheduled Waste Management.
- Understand practical cases in waste minimization, especially through Elimination and Prevention
- Comprehend the Circular Economy concept and implementation in various industries. Eventually related to how these concepts can be practiced in the company
- Understand other waste minimization techniques on-site and off-site
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