Introduction to Ergonomics

A healthy workplace fosters productivity. Procedures for safety protect the employees, equipment, and property of the company, regardless of the type or size of the firm. Less injuries and less equipment damage will result in more profits and lower costs for the company. The lack of an ergonomic office environment may result in a number of health problems, making ergonomics one of the most common workplace safety concerns. Poor or nonexistent workplace ergonomic practises may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, aching backs, tendinitis, and chronic colds and flu (owing to decreased immunity).

HSEClick Admin · August 28, 2022

This lesson will provide participants an introduction to Ergonomics, an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. This lesson will focus on topics such as the Ergonomic Framework, the importance of Ergonomics, and the different domains in Ergonomics.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to; 

  • Define the concept of Ergonomics 
  • Explain the Ergonomics Framework 
  • Understand the importance of Ergonomics 
  • Discuss the different domains in Ergonomics

Course Content 

Lesson 1: Definition and History 

  • Definition of Ergonomics
  • History of Ergonomics

Lesson 2: Ergonomics Framework

  • Task 
  • Workstation
  • Environment 
  • Work Organization 

Lesson 3: Importance of Ergonomics

  • Objectives of Ergonomics
  • Significance of Ergonomics

Lesson 4: Domain of Ergonomics

  • Physical Ergonomics
  • Cognitive Ergonomics
  • Organizational Ergonomics


2 Hour 15 Minutes

Target Audience

General Staff, Safety and Health Committee member, Safety and Health practitioners and Students (Tertiary Level).

Average Review Score:

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About Instructor

+20 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 9 Contents
  • 1 Test
  • Course Certificate