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DOSH to probe Port Dickson hotel management after fireworks explosion

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The victim and his colleagues were preparing fireworks for a New Year’s Eve party when they unexpectedly exploded at 11.50am. (X pix)

PETALING JAYA: The Negeri Sembilan occupational safety and health department (DOSH) will investigate the management of a Port Dickson hotel following a fireworks explosion on Dec 31.

DOSH said it had issued a no-interference order, in part to aid the seizure of several work-related documents.

The department said that employers were responsible for ensuring the health and safety of their workers under Section 15(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.

“Having full control over every activity in the workplace, the employer must carry out risk assessment and introduce effective risk controls before any work activity is carried out.

“This is to eliminate or reduce safety risks to workers and the public and to prevent accidents at work,” Bernama reported the department as saying.

It was reported yesterday that a 40-year-old victim died on the spot; while his colleague, 39, was sent to Port Dickson Hospital for treatment after they were hit by shrapnel from exploding fireworks on the roof of a car park building.

DOSH said that according to initial investigations, the victim and his colleagues were preparing fireworks for a New Year’s Eve party, when they unexpectedly exploded at 11.50am.

A team of DOSH investigators will conduct an inquiry after receiving information on the incident.