
  • 8 Lessons

    Ergonomics Risk Factors

    The three primary ergonomic risk factors that cause MSDs are awkward posture, high force, and high or long frequency. Combination of postures, forces and frequencies increase the chance of developing an MSD.

  • 6 Lessons

    Fire Safety Awareness and Emergency Preparedness

    Fire cause property damage, injuries, and fatalities. As many of the offices and factories damaged by fire in Malaysia are never rebuilt, a fire at work can also result in employment losses. Fire safety training is a vital component of preserving a secure workplace and preventing fire.

    Workers can remove fire threats and react swiftly and effectively if a fire starts with the right training. Without the right training, a little event might escalate into a huge one with dire consequences.

  • 5 Lessons

    Incident Prevention

    Accidents are unforeseen events that cause damage to property, disease, death, and lost productivity. Accidents cannot be totally prevented, but they can be reduced with the right plans, preparations, and actions.
  • 5 Lessons

    Introduction to Ergonomics

    A healthy workplace fosters productivity. Procedures for safety protect the employees, equipment, and property of the company, regardless of the type or size of the firm. Less injuries and less equipment damage will result in more profits and lower costs for the company. The lack of an ergonomic office environment may result in a number of health problems, making ergonomics one of the most common workplace safety concerns. Poor or nonexistent workplace ergonomic practises may contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome, aching backs, tendinitis, and chronic colds and flu (owing to decreased immunity).

  • 5 Lessons

    Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

    Why safety and health is very important for all organisation? Almost everyday accidents happened in our daily lifes. You know that by implementing the right safety and health practices, we can reduce the accident rates and save more lifes!

  • 8 Lessons

    Musculoskeletol Injuries And Ergonomics Related Injuries

    This lesson is designed to provide the participants with basic knowledge on Musculoskeletal Injuries and Ergonomics Related Injuries. This will include the definition of Musculoskeletal…